Hej, tražiš nekoga s kim ćeš provesti vrijeme u Osijek? Volite svijetle plavuše s punim usnama? Ludi ste za dugim vitkim ženskim nogama? Onda se upoznajmo! Moje ime je Dobrila, imam godina, mlada sam i lijepa i rado ću biti vaše društvo ove večeri, ove noći ili kada želite. U Osijek Call-Girls radim relativno nedavno i ovo mi je prvo iskustvo da radim kao call girl u Osijek, ali već sam dosta naučila o tome kako pružiti zadovoljstvo muškarcima. Mislim da je svaki muškarac dijamant, a žena njegov okvir.Stoga se uvijek pokušavam prilagoditi svom dijamantu: brinem se o... višeHej, tražiš nekoga s kim ćeš provoditi vrijeme u Osijek? Volite svijetle plavuše s punim usnama? Ludi ste za dugim vitkim ženskim nogama? Onda se upoznajmo! Moje ime je Dobrila, imam godina, mlada sam i lijepa i rado ću biti vaše društvo ove večeri, ove noći ili kada želite. U Osijek Call-Girls radim relativno nedavno i ovo mi je prvo iskustvo da radim kao call girl u Osijek, ali već sam dosta naučila o tome kako pružiti zadovoljstvo muškarcima. Mislim da je svaki muškarac dijamant, a žena njegov okvir. Stoga se uvijek trudim prilagoditi svom dijamantu: brinem o svom zdravlju, tijelu i izgledu u cjelini. Ako isprva poželiš prošetati sa mnom kroz noć Osijek, svi će ti muškarci zavidjeti, jer će u tvojoj blizini biti takva ljepotica. Moje usluge nisu jeftine, ali ti se troškovi uvijek isplate. Zadovoljstvo koje ću ti ja pružiti nećeš moći doživjeti ni s jednom drugom djevojkom. Mogu sve: od masaže i laganih poljubaca do grubog seksa u kadi. Jednom riječju, sve što moj gost želi! Ako vam se sviđam, nazovite broj koji vidite gore i rezervirajte me. Vidimo se! Uživam u svom poslu, a tko ne bi, radim u pubu.
Height: | 192 cm / 6'4'' |
Weight: | 68 kg / 150 lbs |
Age: | 26 yrs |
Motto: | Hey ya'll, WATCH THIS!!!! |
Nationality: | Ukrainian |
Preferences: | I looking real dating |
Breast: | Average |
Lingerie: | Evans |
Perfumes: | Raphael |
Orientation: | Straight |
Strap on |
Golden Shower escorts Osijek |
Swingersclub |
Intimate massage escorts Osijek |
Anal massage |
Masturbate |
Mutual masturbation |
Spanking On me |
Strip tease |
Private Video escorts Osijek |
Spanking |
Kissing |
Trampling |
Bare back blow job |
Hand job |
Submissive sex |
Whirlpool |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €50 | |
1 hour | €140 | |
Plus hour | €60 | €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) |
12 hours | ||
24 hours |
Sweet_bec: I noticed New Girl Dobrila on the Divas website and booked her because of her pictures and the range of services she offered, and called the agency to confirm that these services were indeed available before making my booking.Dobrila's first day with Divas and I was her first customer. I noticed on the internet that she was running late, so I called the establishment to confirm my booking time. I was reassured that her train had arrived in MK, and she was in a taxi, so she should be ready by 12:00. Arriving at 11:55, I was told by the manager that she had still not arrived, so I was offered a drink and sat down for a chat whilst I was waiting. At this point, I offered to rearrange the booking for a later time, but was told to wait as she would arrive very soon.After some 20 minutes she arrived and I was asked to wait in the room whilst she prepared herself. I expected Dobrila to be some time as she had just travelled from London and it was her first time in Divas, however she was in the room within 2 or 3 minutes! She had no real time to change or wash [even her hands] or apply any make up, or take any real instruction from the maid. She was fully clothed in what I presumed were her travelling clothes, and I did not feel that she was at all prepared for the task at hand.I felt a little perplexed at all this, but introduced myself and welcomed her. She seemed a little ruffled and confused. I do not usually feel the need to ask a girl what services she offers, but as Dobrila was new I decided to confirm that the services advertised on the web site were actually on her menu. I was surprised when she told me that:OWO was not a service she offered without extra paymentCIM was not a service she ever offeredKissing was also a no-no except for occasional closed mouth pecksShe also said she spoke little English and I would have to help her a little.Finally she mentioned something about bleeding gums.At this point I had decided that I did not wish to proceed with the punt as I did not feel that we were a good match at all. I told her this and asked her to fetch the manager. After a minute or two she returned [alone] and pleaded with me to stay, saying 'I will be good for you and everything ok'. She explained that she wished me to wash, so, despite the fact I was freshly showered, I went along with her request and was escorted to the shower to have a wash.Returning to the room, we undressed and she proceeded to give some very light uncovered oral, which was very lacklustre. She then covered me within a couple of minutes and lay back. I did not take much notice of her body to be honest and remember little, except a rather unpleasant odour coming from down below [she did not look clean in that area either], so I made the decision that any RO was definitely off limits. Unfortunately this was twice in a row that hygiene has been an issue with girls at this establishment. My previous visit 2 weeks ago with a 'regular' girl left me feeling physically sick for the rest of the day. I did report this to the management when I booked, and was assured that Dobrila would be 'clean'.Dobrila did attempt to engage but seemed lost for ideas and had no method - the whole thing felt very uninspiring and she was lacklustre in her actions. I would like to add that this was not down to a lack of any click between us, as she did seem to want to get on with me. But, from a punting point of view, it was like going through the basic motions, and it was not at all an enjoyable paid for service. Id had enough by now, so I asked her to finish me off and requested more Oral, but she told me 'only once in 30 minute booking is possible! I am very surprised she made me cum at all, and it was not what I could describe as a happy ending :(Its just a good job that I new where the clean up tissues and towels were, because she was totally lost. I felt a little sorry for Dobrila because she was late and flustered, but then at least she got paid for it! I could not escape quickly enough and felt totally robbed of my.I cannot blame Dobrila entirely here as the management were responsible for allowing this punt to continue, even though I requested to cancel [in-punt] and rearrange several times beforehand. I telephoned the manager 3 hours later to explain this, but I dont think she truly understood how unhappy I felt, and if she did, she did not seem too concerned. This left me feeling somewhat annoyed and perplexed as I have previously always felt that my custom was appreciated there, and I have always reported honestly on my experiences and very happy to return as a regular. However, I personally felt railroaded by Dobrila into continuing [possibly down to the manager] against my will on the false promise that she would deliver the services, but alas she didnt.To me this was non- punt no kissing, no RO, and very limited and uninspiring oral. A VERY restricted service!Unfortunately I will not be seeing this girl again, and I am not prepared to waste my money punting in establishments who do not properly vet, prepare and instruct their new girls! There are lots of girls out there who do care about providing a good service and VFM, and who are happy to look after regular clients.Sadly, I genuinely feel that I have been ripped off on this occasion!
Up4Anything69: Čitala sam recenzije i morala sam otići pogledati. Uz rizik ponavljanja drugih, ona je djevojka iz susjedstva, dama koju zaobiđete kolica da biste je još jednom pogledali u trgovini. Vrlo ljupko, osjećao sam se opušteno i neosuđeno. Ona se brine o sebi, koža je glatka, tijelo zategnuto. Pročitajte njezinu web stranicu i shvatite jednostavan postupak kako bi sve prošlo glatko, kao što je prošlo za mene. Nećeš biti razočaran. Ako ste novi u igri poput mene, toplo preporučujem.
VERIOUSGOLEMS: Dobrila je gospođa koju već dugo namjeravam vidjeti nakon što mi ju je nekoliko kladioničara preporučilo. Stigao sam i rezervirao. Dobrila je vrlo ljubazna i živahna djevojka zbog koje se osjećate vrlo opušteno. Istuširao sam se dok se ona skidala i zavodljivo ležala na krevetu. Pridružio sam joj se na krevetu i odmah sam bio zagrljen uz duboko ljubljenje i milovanje. To je prešlo na ponudu masaže, koju obično odbijam, ali danas sam se tako osjećala. Razuman pokušaj masaže leđa s puno petljanja po mojim jajima i dovođenja do ukočenosti; bilo je jako lijepo. Zatim sam se prebacio na prednju stranu.Dobrila započeo je žestoko pušenje, s vrlo dobrom aljkavom tehnikom, promjenjivom brzinom i dubokim grlom. Bilo je stvarno jako dobro. Nakon nekog vremena zamijenili smo se gore/dolje, a zatim jedan do drugoga 69. Njezina je maca bila uredna i uredna, dobrog okusa i pružalo se i primalo obostrano oralno zadovoljstvo. Bilo je izvrsno. Zatim smo prešli na seks. Počeli smo s Dobrila na vrhu u cowgirl gdje je teško govorila i bila vrlo dobra. Nakon nekog vremena ja sam preuzeo (još uvijek u istom položaju) i dao neki energičan potisak odozdo. Zatim smo se neko vrijeme zamijenili misionarskim, a zatim psećim. Nakon nekog vremena zamijenili smo se s psićem, ali sam ja stajao, a ona još na krevetu. Sve je bilo dobro. Ostao bez energije nakon bjesomučnog guranja, vratio sam se u krevet gdje je Dobrila uzeo vrlo dobar owo BJ. Ovaj put s dodatnim pljuvanjem kuraca kako bi bilo stvarno nemarno. Energičan oral u kombinaciji s dobrom tehnikom ruku doveo me blizu vrhunca.Da završim, stajao sam iznad i pucao svojim teretom preko njezinih sisa. Odolio sam iskušenju za žustrim poljupcem. Oboje smo se počistili, istuširali i vratili na recepciju. Sve u svemu, sjajna igra s vrlo vještom i energičnom djevojkom. Otišla sam jako zadovoljna. Vremenski gledano, bili smo na vremenu ili malo više od 30 minuta.
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3rd time visiting this place. All the girls on the menu were new but since I was batting 2 for 2 I wasn’t to worried and went with Dobrila. Now I’m 3 for 3……VIP read on.
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Dobrila was quite entertaining and lively. We hit it off right away and she was consistent throughout the entire session. Dobrila was everything I wanted her to be. I love beautiful chicks and so she had my interest from the get go. And in addition, she was good at making me fully satisfied, even when the session went over several minutes. I appreciated that Dobrila made the effort to do the things necessary so that I could enjoy my time with her. She was terrific. I particularly loved her blow job. It was tasty and so was the way she crawled up on top of me and fucked me to the bone.
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A great time was had by all
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I saw that Dobrila was in town, and I set up the appointment the day before with references.The day of the appointment, I arrived at the hotel and met her in her room. She was very pretty, better than pictures. She was sensual, accommodating, and passionate. It's often obvious that this is a business relationship, but with Dobrila it felt like a real moment of passion.
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Very clean, professional, and friendly woman. She is very discreet and will tend to your needs to ensure a satisfactory service. Drama-free, disease-free, and drug-free. Down-to-earth and respectable woman.
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Got the urge to see a Dobrila. Called Wawa after striking out with regulars that were out of town. She texted me her address. She answered her door in lingerie. She's attractive and looked like her pics and definitely more mature. Took off my shoes when I entered then the fun began. Non-VIP's - She's more CD/TV but feminine but very sweet.
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After undressing, Dobrila asked me to lay on the bed and asked whether I preferred oral with or without to which I opted for the latter. So after a thorough clean with a wet wipe Dobrila got down to some nice OWO, giving my balls a licking too when asked. I suggested that we move to in front of the mirror for a better view which Dobrila agreed to but after a couple of minutes she said that her legs were going numb and I helped Dobrila to her feet.She then slipped a condom on my toddler and hopped on top for cowgirl followed by doggy. The sight of her starfish winking at me prompted my inquiry about this A-level service of hers and Dobrila said she could do it in doggy, so she slowly guided me in but once she’d loosened up I was encouraged to pick up the pace and ended up (unusually for me) climaxing in the condom.It was a muggy evening so I took up the invitation to use the shower to freshen up and finished off the punt with a natter and massage.An enjoyable GFE with the bonus of an A-level service which I hope to sample again soon.
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Dobrila is low-volume and rarely posts, but I was lucky enough to see when she did. I emailed her, and received a quick reply. We set up an appointment for later that evening at her resort hotel. Two-call system to get there, and when I arrived I was greeted by this cute, sexy young woman in boy shorts and a tank top, with a big smile. She invited me in, gave me a bif hug and kiss, and the next hour became a blur of GND v porn star fantasy-come-true. If you've seen HH in her movies, you get the idea. VIPs, read on...