Khali (20), Pula, escort model     Call

Inexpensive Khali (20) escort Pula

"seductive mixed beauty like no other in Pula"


Tel. number
Location: Pula / Croatia
Last seen: Today in 07:02
Yesterday: 19:34
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Speak: English
Piercings: Breasts
Pussy: Partially Shaved
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

🖤Bok gospodo, ja sam Rose, vaša egzotična španjolska zgodna 🖤💯Stvarno sve nove slike snimljene danas imam na onome što je na mojoj fotografiji😘Zato nemojte biti sramežljivi, ne grizem samo ako vi to želite 😘 Zovite samo kad ste spremni Drama besplatna diskretna lokacija😍pa nemojte propusti vrijeme svog života dopusti mi da ti upalim dan i cvrči papi😉tel: xxx Die zeit zwischen 2 orgasmen moglich kurz halten!

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 155 cm / 5'1''
Weight: 50 kg
Age: 20 yrs
Motto: let's partyI walked into a room at this party and someone yelled DIBS!...
Nationality: Brazilian
Preferences: I looking vip sex
Breast: BB
Eye color: brown
Perfumes: Cathy Guetta
Orientation: Bisexuals


Deep Throat
Strap on
Secretary sex
Brazilian sex
Covered blow job
Submissive sex
Dinner companion
Sauna Sex
Quickie sex
Sexy shower
Sensual Massage
Bare back blow job
Ball Licking and Sucking


Quick €50 €60
1 hour €140 €170 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour €90 €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours
24 hours €1100

Escort Khali reviews:

Peafowl E.: Prozujao u Patricijin stan uz nju nešto poslije 16 sati. Pokušao sam se predstaviti rukovanjem kako bih otjerao svoje leptiriće, ali ona je to seksipilno odbacila i prikovala me svojim pogledom dok me je uzimala u naručje. Zagrlili smo se i počeli ljubiti. Kurac mi se ukočio. Ljubljenje vam toliko govori o ljubavniku. Sve važne stvari. Tajne se dijele. Slatki, nježni poljupci na prvom spoju pretvorili su se u punokrvne strastvene raskalašene francuze.Držao sam se za život! Odvela me za ruku u spavaću sobu osvijetljenu svijećama uz laganu pozadinsku glazbu. Vani je padao sumrak. Ovo nije bilo jeftino salonsko iskustvo s tračnim svjetlom koje otkriva sve vaše otvorene pore i lokalnom radio stanicom koja je u kutu puštala vijesti o prometu s radija tranzeja. Soba nije mirisala na Glade. Moja je odjeća zatrpala sobu dok sam otvarao njezinu haljinu. Pali smo na krevet kako bismo dalje istraživali jedno drugo. Osjećaj je tako prirodan kad je ovako dobar. Nema osjećaja neugodnosti ili umješnosti. Patricia je nježno zastenjala dok sam puštao ruke i usne da se okreću oko njezina tijela. Naizmjenično smo pružali jedno drugom zadovoljstvo. Ovo je dvosmjerna stvar s Patricijom. Puno kontakta očima. Postoje granice njezinih usluga koje sam poštovao, ali osim toga ona mi se u potpunosti predala. Kurac mi je bio sisan, jaja lizana, stražnjica zadirkivana. Okusio sam njenu obrijanu macu i upotrijebio jezik i prste duboko u sebi da joj pomognem da dobije mlaz koji se nije mogao odglumiti. Proždirali smo se. Uveo sam je u misionarski položaj nakon što je primijenila potrebnu zaštitu i ostao sam tamo osim kratkog vremenskog razdoblja kad me zajahala. Ostao sam tamo jebeći je snažno, gurajući joj noge visoko. Ostali smo u ovom položaju ne zato što druge opcije nisu bile dostupne ili što nam je nedostajalo mašte. Bilo je to zato što je bilo tako intimno i senzualno jebati se dok se ljubimo i vidjeti odgovor izložen na našim licima. Odazvala se mojoj strasti i želji i potaknula me. Sat je proletio. Zapjenila me. Znao sam da sam se mogao povući i ući u njezina voljna usta, ali imao sam vrlo jak životinjski poriv da uđem u nju i učinim je svojom na taj kratki trenutak i mislim da je to mogla osjetiti. Nakon toga proveli smo vrijeme opuštajući se na krevetu i razgovarajući o svijetu. Ona je smiješna. Ona je inteligentna. Nije prdnula. Savršen.U vrućoj ljetnoj noći biste li ponudili svoje grlo vuku s crvenim ružama. Nije ih mnogo!!

miniguy78: Looking for a last minute appointment, and she was available. Should have waited!

Escalator L.: Khali is a sweet girl with skills that blow my mind! This lady is remarkable in the bedroom and I'm glad I was able to experience it for myself. Khali greeted me with a huge, friendly smile and a cute little teddy! She quickly made me feel like we'd known each other for years. She's a really sweet gal who is sexy very eager and has skills that are better than 5 women put together. I still find myself telling my buddies about the amazing evening we spent together and I often recommend her to my single pals who want to get laid but don't want to try to pick up some random girl at a pub or club. Khali has got it going on and then some! What she can do with her hands is remarkable and what she can do with her tongue is outstanding! There's no way I'm giving her up anytime soon, that would be like giving up drinking and I'm doing that either. Thanks again Khali for your outstanding work, you are one remarkable lady and I eagerly await our next naughty date! She would be my top choice in escorts and I'm telling you that the best thing you can do for yourself is to book a date with her to see what I'm talking about, you won't regret it even a little bit.



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It was a such a hot night this is very hot brunette slut. It was great because she was into it right from the start. Really talked dirty as I played with her body and she gave me a blowjob. She let me finish down her throat and it felt so good. I was hard again fast and was eager to fuck and so was she. Easy to get up in her and she was so tight. Just relaxing with her in bed for a bit after was good too.

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Visited Khali in her incall in Brandon. She is new in town and is here temporarily from Colombia. Easy arranging and she's very sweet. The pictures are not of her, and she is older than it looks on the pictures, which is disappointing. She does have a voluptuous body, which is why I stayed but the room was kinda dirty and she smelled like old sweat. I would not repeat.

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I had been interested in Khali for a very long time, had spoken with her on the phone several times and found her absolutely great, I finally made it to her area and called early morning for a late afternoon appointment, she stays at a nice hotel NW of DC. I was running late and she was perfectly understanding and patient. Khali is really great but her description, earlier reviews are not accurate to my experience. She does aim to please and many will find her perfect, I appreciated my time with her but found the experience below average, I won't repeat. VIPs read on.

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Saw Chrissy's ad and took the chance. She responded very quickly to texts, and communicated the whole time that way. Incall at decent hotel with exterior entrance which was nice. Chrissy looked incredible with a big smile and a hug when answering the door. We chatted for a few minutes which put me at ease. She got down to business pretty quickly and seemed really into it. It's not GFE if that is what you are looking for- but she really gets into it and is so hot that it really did it for me. Would repeat!

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