Evelyn je užitak s iskonskim ukusom, može se odjenuti (i vau može li se odjenuti!!!) i pretvoriti svaku prigodu u nezaboravnu, ali erotski potaknutu večer vođenu iščekivanjem, znajući što planira za vas nakon toga!! Večera ili predstava mogu biti pravi test vremena, ali većina je uvjerena da se isplati čekati. Vjerujem da se sve događa za a.
Height: | 187 cm |
Weight: | 84 kg / 185 lbs |
Age: | 32 yrs |
Motto: | what goes around comes around. |
Nationality: | Swedish |
Preferences: | I'm seeking sex dating |
Breast: | Average |
Eye color: | green |
Perfumes: | Automobili Lamborghini |
Orientation: | Bisexuals |
Body worship escorts Rijeka |
Handjob |
Bi twin |
69 Position escorts Rijeka |
Fingering escorts Rijeka |
Masturbate |
Sex in Different Positions escorts Rijeka |
Spanking |
Blowjob without Condom |
Dildo Play |
Trampling |
Golden Shower |
Mistress escorts Rijeka |
Erotic sensual massage |
Couples sex |
Role play |
Submissive sex |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €40 | |
1 hour | €110 | |
Plus hour | €90 | |
12 hours | ||
24 hours | €1200 |
Jolyn R.: Seksi studentica Swedish pružila mi je ultimativno iskustvo istočnjačke djevojke. Uvijek sam volio azijske djevojke, točnije Swedish djevojke. Imao sam spojeve s nekoliko Swedish djevojaka prije i svaki put sam imao sjajno iskustvo, ali uvijek je nešto nedostajalo. Adno je privukla moju pozornost jer sam vidio njezine slike u odjeći za droljastu školarku i to je stvar za koju osobno mislim da je najseksi odjeća koju Swedish djevojka može nositi! Kad sam vidio Adno u osoba, nosila je istu odjeću, ali joj je dodala visoke potpetice i čarape zbog čega je moj kurac postao supertvrd od trenutka kada sam je ugledao. Ne mogu opisati što sam osjećao dok sam bio s Adno.Ima nevino lice, ali iza zatvorenih vrata, ona je apsolutna nakaza! Definitivno sam se najbolje proveo s njom i već sam uskoro zakazao novi spoj s njom.
Swagman Q.: Adno me razbjesnila svojom seksipilnošću, nestašnošću i nestašnošću i čistim prljavim pričama. Bila je svuda oko mene. Adno i ja smo imali snažnu privlačnost i saznao sam koliko je zločesta kad sam je odveo kući iz svog bloka. Posegnula je u svoju malu torbu i izvadila hrpu seks igračaka koje je koristila na sebi dok sam ja gledao. Terorizirala me svojom senzualnom izvedbom.Povukla je nogu donjeg rublja u stranu i počela koristiti vibrator i stenjati dok ga je koristila. Također je izvadila dildo i stavila ga u sebe kao da se seksa s dildom. Moja je muškost postajala velika, kruta i snažna na pomisao da sam taj dildo. Počela je izvoditi striptiz, a onda mi je konačno odlučila prepustiti vladavinu i pustiti me da radim s njom što želim, a ja sam joj pokazao nešto. Tada smo već bili stvarno zaljubljeni jedno u drugo. Da ste u to vrijeme ušli u sobu, vjerojatno biste osjetili seksualni žar između nas. Trajalo je od tog trenutka sve dok oboje nismo postigli orgazme. Jedino što smo nakon toga mogli bilo je leći jedno uz drugo; pokušavajući doći do daha.
Sanga: Nazvan Adno ranije ovog tjedna jer sam bio u gradu poslovno. Lako se složiti. Kad sam bio u gradu, ponovno sam nazvao i stvari su postale nezgodne. Upute koje je dala bile su loše, ali uspio sam pronaći njezin stan. Kad sam ušao, dočekala ga je žena pristojnog izgleda. Ponovio bih zbog povoljne cijene. VIP čitaj dalje
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saw Alicia was visiting Rijeka when I was going to be there on business so I contacted her and we set up a meeting at her nice hotel near Mag Mile. She had a bottle of wine waiting for me and I took it down to bar to get it opened and we relaxed together over a couple of drinks before the fun started. Really great lady.
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Easy set up, text then return call. Low rent hotel that she lives in on busy highway. She is enthusiastic and had a good time. Can't beat the price. May repeat
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Adno is truly natural but is really cute, friendly, and easy to talk to. Great attitude and enthusiasm. Couple of calls and your in her room. Will definitely see her again.
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Saw her profile first listed in London last month. Liked the pics - attractive face (that face pic not on profile at present), curvy, English. New to the AW site but not to escorting I think. Called and spoke to her and she sounded intelligent and well spoken. Was on a tour to London but could not meet me as she had to return home for personal reasons. Arranged to meet her next trip (which was yesterday). 1 hour incall (I would have done more but her train was very late and I had a pressing engagement to go to). I usually do two hours if I can. Nice lady: Very apologetic for lateness and just setting herself up in a flat in West Kensington (she did not seem all that familiar with London geography) in a rush to meet me so a slightly chaotic meeting.Plus side: Nice (curvy) body. Good heavy boobs with large nipples. A slight tum (a negative). I would say very early 30s MILF. Very pretty face. Good accent. Interesting tattoos. Rock music maven.Services: As listed (no extra charges for me). Nice DFK. Very, very good oral (without). Good technique and she was eager to please. I could have happily sat there and let her finish me off but decided to explore. Reverse oral was enjoyable and she was responsive. Off with all her clothes and on to full sex. Nice bum (though not sure Anal is available, alas). Various positions (she asked what I liked which is always a plus). Finally ended in cowgirl and she was in a good position. Rode me to a fast finish - I warned her I was close - she said "we can always go again". Time (on my side) would not permit that.Slightly scatty in terms of organization (the flat she had rented for part of this tour was really not great). Very willing to please. Will also appeal to those who like rock chicks. Hard to capture the essence but very much the passionate & natural GFE in a more mature English wrapper. Very very good VFM. Needs a better location (but she knows that too and I think is moving on Monday). Potentially very submissive. I would/will certainly go back (at those rates) and could afford to bring my own towel (which on reflection, over the years, is something I should have done anyway). Hope this helps. Her rate is now (lower) to £90 a hour but I think CIM would be extra.
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Dream is young (but probably not as young as 19 which she claims). She is easy to get hold of on the phone, but you'll encounter some problems the first visit (a little paranoid, hotel only). On subsequent visits she warms up