Ja sam katalonska djevojka u kasnim dvadesetima s nezasitnom znatiželjom i avanturističkim duhom. Velik dio svog života proveo sam putujući s jednog mjesta na drugo, studirao sam u različitim zemljama, ali nikada nisam mogao zaboraviti svoju najveću ljubav: Barcelonu. Tu je moj nemirni um odlučio putovati drugačije, preko mojih ljubavnika. Svaki trenutak podijeljen s novom osobom donosi mi spoznaje, nove osjećaje i jedinstvena iskustva. Smatram se sretnim što imam privilegiju posvetiti se stvaranju trenutaka intimnosti i povezanosti. Podijelimo najbolji dio nas. Idemo se zabaviti. Stvorimo trenutke koji će trajati zauvijek.
Ja sam sitna djevojka. Jedan od onih parfema koji se čuvaju u maloj bočici. Koža mi je meka i blijeda, prošarana sitnim pjegicama koje se s lijepim vremenom pojačavaju i daju mi dječji i nestašan izgled. Prirodno sam crvenokosa, a kosa mi je kovrčava i dopire do ramena. Volim ga nositi prirodno, izgleda savršeno na ulici, savršeno u. Imam velike svijetlo zelene oči, koje vas mogu gledati nevino ili žarko divlje životinje. Puno se smiješim, volim se smijati i, budući da mi je jako ugodno ono što radim, moj temperament je opušten i prirodan.
Imam sveučilišnu diplomu, profesionalnu karijeru koja mi je velika strast i volim misliti da sam kultivirana djevojka.Puno čitam, zanima me svijet oko mene i zabavan sam sugovornik sa ukusom za finu ironiju. Volim biti zaveden umom i zaljubiti se za dobrim stolom. Iako je zbog moje figure to teško pogoditi, strastven sam prema gastronomiji, nečemu za što je Barcelona idealan grad. Za mene nema boljih spojeva od onih koji započnu u finom restoranu.
Oduvijek sam bio vrlo slobodan što se tiče veza. Drugačije ih ne mogu razumjeti. Prava povezanost moguća je samo uz slobodu, a to je ono što tražim. Ja sam strastvena žena, mentalna i senzualna, uvijek u potrazi za zadirkivanjem i hedonističkim iskustvima. Posvećujem se svakom novom susretu i smatram privilegijom što postoje ljudi koji su voljni sudjelovati sa mnom.
Smatram se strastvenom ženom koja se voli lagano zanositi dodirom partnerove kože, uživajući u većinu svakog trenutka.
Nudim iskustvo djevojke za muškarce koji traže drugačije društvo, intimnije i svjesnije. Sa mnom možete uživati u ugodnom i opuštenom razgovoru, idealno sam društvo za svaku večer ili događaj. Moja elegancija i diskrecija učinit će da se osjećate samouvjereno i opušteno. Imati neke posebne potrebe je normalno.
Height: | 187 cm |
Weight: | 60 kg |
Age: | 20 yrs |
Hobby: | Movies ,music,shoppin,lots of bedroom excersize |
Nationality: | Croatian |
Preferences: | I seeking nsa |
Breast: | Perky |
Eye color: | blue |
Perfumes: | Rue21 |
Orientation: | Bisexuals |
Foot Fetish escorts Rijeka |
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Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €50 | |
1 hour | €110 | €150 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) |
Plus hour | €70 | |
12 hours | €900 | |
24 hours | €1100 |
Hi, my love, escort yo with excellent service, I am a pretty girl, with excellent service. I am a very attractive and relaxed escort girl who is very accommodating.Come love to please you,. We are going to have a great time I am Clara Lykke a very hot woman, we are going to practice all the things that go through your mind while we have rich oral sex, caresses.
Jaycook: Najljepša pratilja koja mi je popušila dosad najluđe i najzadovoljnije. Prošlo je dosta vremena otkako sam počeo tražiti pratnju koju bih pozvao na povremeno pušenje. Slučajno sam pronašao profil Clara Lykke i kada sam je vidio, nisam gubio trenutak prije nego što sam je nazvao i raspitao se za uslugu koja me zanima. Rekla mi je da najviše voli oralno zadovoljavati svoje klijente i da je prilično dobra u tome. Otišao sam do nje i bez imalo oklijevanja je kleknula ispred mene i počela mi sisati kurac. Bilo je nevjerojatno, ali znao sam da želim samo pušenje pa sam je zamolio da se pomakne u krevet gdje će nam oboje biti udobnije. Nakon što je došla do kreveta, usisala ga je još bolje i natjerala me da svršim više nego ikad.
Coltpixy: Da postoji engleska ekipa za seksanje, Clara Lykke bi bio kapetan. Ova djevojka voli kurac. Jače, brže i dublje to bolje. Probao sam najbolje što Manchester ima za ponuditi, Sandy`s, NG, itd. i Clara Lykke je odmah među najboljima.Sjetila me se s našeg zadnjeg shagfesta prije nekoliko mjeseci, dobro se mazila da me pokrene, kratko owo, malo obrnutog orala od mene, i nije htjela gubiti vrijeme (budući da je bila slobodna samo pola sata )ravno do glavnog događaja. Veliko zadovoljstvo za obje strane. Ide poput vlaka - sasvim prikladno za Crewea. Sljedeći put ću rezervirati ranije i odraditi cijeli sat, prvo pojesti svoj weetabix.
Teems R.: Koristio sam Karens nekoliko puta prije. Ovaj put sam želio sastanak za dvije djevojke s Karen & Clara Lykke, te sam nazvao prethodnu večer kako bih bio siguran da su obje slobodne. Stigao sam u 11 i samo je jedna djevojka došla, koja mi se nije svidjela. Čekala sam još 10 minuta da stigne Clara Lykke, ali Karen je trebala doći tek nakon 12. Čekala je u sobi za masažu više od 15 minuta za Clara Lykke.Tamo je izvela kratku masažu leđa, s malim jezikom na guzici. Prevrnuo se za vrlo dobar BBBJ, na gumi i zajahala me. Nisam dugo izdržao pa bi možda sastanak s dvije djevojke bio uzaludan. Ponovno sam nazvao u 12;15, ali Karen će biti još 20 minuta, pa sam odustao i otišao kući.
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Easy set up with familiar booker. My threepreferences were booked so I tried new girl to LA from orange county. Door opened and behind it a tall, attractive kgirl with long legs and a nice body in bikini. Greeted with peck on check, off with shoes and back to bedroom.
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Tiny and petite and looked like the pics on the website. Overall a pleasant but not overwhelming experience. She was nice, friendly and happy to be told what position and angle.
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As she came in, Clara Lykke bent over the bedside table to let me have a good look at her gorgeous shapely rear, and then she approached me and gave me a long, lingering kiss before she helped me to undress.She slipped out of her thong and lay down on the bed with her legs apart and said "I want you to kiss me here!" as she slid a finger into her shaven brown pussy.She closed her eyes, arched her back and shuddered as I began to lick her, saying "If you keep doing that I'm going to come" - and after a few minutes she really did!Then she asked to to lie down, face up, and she lowered herself onto me so I could continue licking her sweet pussy while she began to suck my rock hard cock. We carried on in 69 for some time before she must have sensed I was ready to unload and she shifted her arse over my mouth and pushed back hard so my tongue began to really enter her delicious ring.This was so wanton and horny it sent me right over the edge, and I came in buckets as she sucked me dry.Then this wonderful vixen gave me a sensuous massage for the rest of our time (which ran slightly over) - with a soft and loving touch that left me feeling on cloud nine...Very highly recommended - I have only had these kind of experiences before at place like Clara Lykke in Mayfair. I have returned since and although the girls do change I have been very very impressed on every subsequent visit. I kind of want to keep the place secret so I don't have trouble getting an appoitment, but the lovely owner, Ling, made me promise to write something!So, if you like Oriental shops give this one a go - and treat Ling and Nee kindly and with respect (they're such sweet and graceful ladies - you'll see what I mean when you meet them).
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I had been trying to see Clara Lykke for a while.. just never got the nerve or time to call.. finally did... She is an attractive MILF with an amazing hard body.. yes.. cramped quarters, but overall a nice time.. YYMV, great for the $$ but I will not likely repeat.. but I rarely do.. ViP read on..
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Clara Lykke is definitely the escort that gave me the best time in and out of bed. After being dumped by my girlfriend, I wanted to go back straight to the game but I didn't have luck finding a girl who would go out with me. I didn't want to ask out anybody so just to have a practice run, I called Clara Lykke and asked her out. She gladly agreed and we went to one of the local restaurants. I was stunned when I saw her coming in in a semi-long white dress and high heels. She looked like an angel. I was a little shy at first because I didn't expect her to look that good! She kept the conversation going while I calmed down and after I got comfortable around her, everything went smoothly! It was a crazy experience and I'm definitely calling her for more of her services before I enter the dating game again.
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Incredibly hot party girl loves to give a good time and definitely knows her way around the bedroom. I used to browse escort profiles out of fun, but when I found Clara Lykke's profile, I started thinking about giving her a call. I never hired an escort, but I've been single for some time and I really got horny just by watching her pictures. After thinking about it, I decided to give her a call and see what it's like being with a classy escort. She arrived at my flat a couple of minutes early, but I was ready for her and seeing her stand in front of me made me really excited. We had a drink in the living room and she made me really relaxed. I must admit that I was really nervous before she got there, but after spending just a few minutes with her, it was like sitting with a good friend! She took off her clothes while I was in the bathroom and when I saw her on the couch, wearing nothing more than lingerie and high heels, I felt my dick instantly getting harder by the second. She was really seductive and didn't rush anything so I really got the chance to enjoy every moment with her! It was by far the best experience I had and I'm planning on giving her another call soon.
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This is about the third time I've seen Clara Lykke, we get along really well and I truly enjoy seeing her.Led into room, did the money thing, she disappeared for a few minutes, came back and got undressed straight away. Started off with reverse oral as she knows it's my favourite thing in the world, then oral from her, on with the welly and used the rest of our time for the main event. This girl is cracking, very sweet, fun to talk to and i'd recommend her to anyone. She only tends to work a couple of days a week so you'll need to call up to find out when she'll be there, but whatever happens she'll be well worth the wait. Actually I don't really want to recommend her as I want to keep her all to myself, but hey that's not going to happen.You definitely won't regret the visit, she's a corker.