Tel. number | |
Location: | Rijeka / Croatia |
Last seen: | Yesterday in 07:30 |
Yesterday: | 08:03 |
Incall/Outcall: | Outcall |
Speak: | EnglishFrench, Spanish, Portugese |
Piercings: | Navel |
Pussy: | Shaved mostly |
Parking: | Yes |
Drinks delivered: | Yes |
Duo service: | Shaheen escort |
O'OẐ OëOµP‚ OẐO± OÍO№PĆPѓOµO№P‚ OjO№O± O±O»O·OëO№OẐO® O±P…P„O±PǴP‡O№OêO® PѓP…OẐOµOg̀PǴOÍ̈O±, PĐOíP… PĐOµPǴO№ O»O±OjOÍO¬OẐOµO№ P„O± PĐO¬OẐP„O±, PNJO»OµP‚ P„O№P‚ O»O±OíOZẐOµOÍ̈OµP‚, PNĐOí̈O№Oíí P†OµP„OÍ̈P‡ OêO±O№ OẐO ± op ‡ o µO№p µ, p ‡ PP ‰ PFHOїP ‡ PѓOLOOSOVOGA OjO№O± PĐPǴO±OíOjO±P„O№OêO¬ OµOẐP„P…PĐP‰PѓO№O±OêO®, PNJOjOí̈PǴP†O· OêO±O№ OOjPĐOµO№PǴO· P„PNJP„Oµ PĐPǴOí̈OѵOêO¬ѵO»Oµ PẐP„Oí̈ P‡PĆPǴOí̈ PẐOí̈P… Iskoristit ću svaki aspekt i želju.
Height: | 193 cm / 6'4'' |
Weight: | 51 kg |
Age: | 24 yrs |
Motto: | *In a w0rld 0f Cheeri0s . Be a Fruit LO0p !! |
Nationality: | Russian |
Preferences: | I searching vip sex |
Breast: | like melons |
Lingerie: | tribuna |
Perfumes: | Affinessence |
Orientation: | Bisexuals |
Blowjob with Condom |
Dinner companion |
Strap on |
Intimate massage escorts Rijeka |
Dominatrix escorts Rijeka |
Secretary sex |
Prostate Massage |
Bare back blow job |
Facesitting |
Couples sex |
Light spanking |
Light bondage sex |
Anal massage |
Masturbate escorts Rijeka |
Social escort |
Blowjob without Condom |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €50 | |
1 hour | €130 | |
Plus hour | €70 | |
12 hours | €800 | |
24 hours | €1000 |
Know me very rich just for you. . I also sell hot videos. Aho hot call videos.
Sweden-82: Good looks, good service, repeatable
VIKKICUPPY: Vrlo ljubazna djevojka koja je pružala entuzijastičnu uslugu. Međutim, razočarao sam se kad sam otkrio kako su njezine slike na web stranici super očišćene. Nitko nema ništa protiv malo isticanja, ali tek je bila prepoznatljiva po licu, a tjelesno je daleko slabije zategnuta nego što bi vas slike navele da povjerujete. Ako ste toga unaprijed svjesni i nemate ništa protiv, Lucca Fernanda će vam pružiti dobar provod. Osobno, samo puntam jer mi daje pristup ljepoticama koje inače ne bi imale ništa sa mnom, tako da je ovo bilo razočaranje.
Kossman: Saw Lucca Fernanda a week ago at her location. It’s pretty easy to find and she will tell you where to go when you get there. I’m here pictures are a bit dated but overall not bad. She started giving me a pretty good massage VIP read on.
| +1 |
Playful, fun and friendly -- you will enjoy this girl a lot. Lucca Fernanda is a wonderfully bright and beautiful personality. She's very beautiful in person. Her skin is lovely and soft. It feels amazing. She's also very down-to-earth and feels very real in her personality. She gave me a GFE which was perfect. I had a great time with her as we had dinner and went dancing together before retiring for the evening. I loved her laugh and her breathless whispers in my ear.