Bok momci! Nov sam u Varaždin, ostat ću sljedećih nekoliko tjedana) Mogu vam učiniti vrijeme nezaboravnim ;) nazovite me xxx
dolazim u Varaždin na 3 mjeseca odmora i užitka. Dostupan za večere, poslovne sastanke u vašem domu ili hotelu. Za pravu gospodu osigurane su ekskluzivne, divlje usluge, dame su više nego dobre. Ja sam otvorenog uma, raširit ću noge za tebe.
Height: | 189 cm |
Weight: | 59 kg |
Age: | 33 yrs |
Motto: | ffuuuccckkkkinnn'hell! whos the daddy!? )*Kinky! |
Nationality: | Serbian |
Preferences: | Wanting real sex |
Breast: | like peaches |
Lingerie: | D'amore |
Perfumes: | Nougat |
Orientation: | Straight |
Mutual masturbation |
Hand job escorts Varaždin |
Sexy shower |
Erotic sensual massage |
Anal play |
Fetish |
Lapdance |
Trampling escorts Varaždin |
Golden Shower |
Full oil massage |
Bare back blow job |
Role Play |
Passionate kissing |
Dominatrix |
Anal massage escorts Varaždin |
Light spanking escorts Varaždin |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €30 | |
1 hour | €140 | €170 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) |
Plus hour | ||
12 hours | ||
24 hours | €1400 |
Guiding S.: I've been trying to see Minzy for a while now but never managed to get the schedule right, then, last time I was in London the stars were aligned, I've made the call and, with my great surprise, she was available. Minzy arrived at my hotel looking stunning, the magic began, for two, fantastic, hours I was in heaven. I will have Minzy for the whole night next month.
PIMPLEGATEE: This was my first time seeing Minzy, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! She's very beautiful and friendly. She seemed slightly awkward at times, but she still definitely knew how to provide excellent service. I hope I get to book another session with her some time soon!
Paceyj: Prije sastanka razmijenili smo mailove u kojima sam predstavio Minzy s popisom mogućnosti iz njezina repertoara za koje sam smatrao da ih mogu prihvatiti: analna igra, treniranje penisa, mučenje bradavica, zvukovi, elektrika i CBT. Nakon što sam odbio njezinu ponudu vina u korist vode iz slavine, ubrzo sam se našao na njezinom krevetu, s kapuljačom i pričvršćen ovratnikom za ručni zglob dok je Minzy počeo raditi na meni. Tijekom ovog elementa moram točno pogoditi koji su pribor korišteni na meni, ali svakako su uključivali stezaljke za bradavice + utege, kotačiće, klinove na mekim tkivima na mojim nogama i rukama, analne igračke, ljubičasti štapić i električne naprave na mojoj kiti . Budući da je bio topao dan, kockice leda kojima sam često trljao razne dijelove mene bile su dobrodošlo olakšanje od ostalih osjeta. Svakom novom događaju prethodio je jedan od Minzy hihota iščekivanja. Cijelo vrijeme sam bio pod uputama da ne smijem svršavati dok ne dobijem dopuštenje, tako da sam se također snažno koncentrirao na taj aspekt. Gospodarica je bila dovoljno ljubazna da me pusti iz haube do kraja mog vremena, što me spasilo od paradoksa razmišljanja o tome da sam je toliko želio ponovno vidjeti i da to vrijeme nisam mogao. Zvukovi su jedni od Minzy omiljenih i postupno se probijala kroz popriličan izbor svog seta. Smatram da je ovo jedno od najerotičnijih iskustava u mom životu. Gospodarica je nježno masirala moj kurac ubačenim zvukovima, naizmjenično pljujući po njemu da mi podmaže i nježno pušući u njega kako bi mi pomogla da zadržim kontrolu.Naravno, postojala je i druga strana zadovoljstva kada sam uživao u zvuku ožičenom strujom, ali manje u nekoliko klinova koji su tada bili pričvršćeni na tjeme mog penisa. Zabavljao me blistavi osmijeh, često hihotanje jer se nazirala neka bol i promatranje čiste delikatnosti i preciznosti koju je Gospodarica koristila pri umetanju i uklanjanju zvukova. Gospodarica je zatim provela neko vrijeme pažljivo šireći moj anus prstima prije nego što je uklonila haljinu, koja je pristajala milosrdno upravljivom straponu i dajući mi prilično žustro šeškanje, pojačano pogledom na Gospodaricu u ogromnom zrcalu koje je zamišljeno nacrtala uz krevet. I dalje sam bio pod strogim naredbama za samokontrolu, što je bilo još teže jer su me vješto gladili dok su me ševali. Posljednja faza bila je ležanje na leđima na krevetu dok me Gospodarica zadirkujući gradila do točke u kojoj sam morao moliti da mi dopuste da svršim i na kraju mi je dala dopuštenje. Nakon kratke pauze u kupaonici vratio sam se u spavaću sobu i mogao iskoristiti neke od poslastica koje sam dobio kao nagradu za nekoliko prilika u kojima sam impresionirao Minzy svojom sposobnošću da podnesem ono što mi je prethodno nanijela. Moja glavna poenta u izradi ove recenzije tako brblja je naglasiti da, ako je netko sklon tražiti ljubavnicu, onda ima smisla izabrati onu koja je zadivljujućeg izgleda, stručnjakinja u onome što radi i kojoj se može potpuno vjerovati da poznaje vaše granice bolje nego što biste to mogli sami, stoga ostajući unutar granica onoga što možete tolerirati.
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I was in the mood to see a blonde MILF and Minzy was right up my alley. I had been a big fan on her from her videos. Setting up an appointment was an absolute breeze after providing appropriate references. She even flirts in messages leading up to the visit. I met her at her upscale hotel in Manhattan. She opened the door and looks just as good as she does in her films. VIPs read on!
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I met Minzy for a car date. Based on her pictures and her talking about recent weight loss, I was expecting way better. She clearly didn't even try to look good for me, and she came out of her apartment barefoot and got in my car. I should have found a way to cancel there, but I couldn't come up with something and decided to push ahead. The session went ok, but I would never consider repeating.
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Arielle is a sexy cool young woman. She is a breath of fresh air. I liked her a lot. Her pictures are real and recent.I left our meeting on weak and wobbly legs with a numb mind, having just experienced something special with someone very special.
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Have been punting for several years but do not generally leave reviews. As come over from US have been looking for good places to visit close to Canary Wharf and must say am hooked on this place. This is now been my third visit on 2 weeks.They do a pancake or dim sum free offer with 1 hour booking so included that. Started with assisted shower then a soapy body rub that already got me as hard as granite.Then moved to the room that had several laser lightings, some Chinese dance music (only criticism was going to ask her to change music for some western dance or pop but quickly forgot about that as she stripped and oiled me up), scented josh stick and candles were nice touch. Started with her rubbing her naked body over my legs and working her way up before thrusting and some ball using her breasts. Could not hold and had to cum. She then gave a tantric play with my cock and balls while rubbing her pussy into my chest in hot oil. Could not resist and came a second time. I then had a relaxing chinese massage as was not going to climax again.Finally showered, had my pancakes (never had maple syrup that they advertise so had honey, but hey everyone can run out) and left with a nice smile. Can't think of a better way to start the day. Would certainly go back but would like to try Cat or Yin next time. Overall, very happy and will be a regular there whenever in London.
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I had an amazing time with Minzy. She was the Latin bombshell that I thought she would be. I had always wanted to date a Latin girl because I thought they were hot and sexy. She had a banging body and a sensual touch. I could never forget my experience with meeting her. She pleased me in every way and was an insatiable and sensational lover; giving me the best blow job and licking my ass and sitting in my face. She really was a pleaser. I left there feeling totally satisfied when Minzy was done with her sexual performance. And I gave her as much satisfaction as she gave me. It was amazing.
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Had seen her a long time ago, but still feel the experience was better the first time, Non-Vip's YMMV, VIP's read on .....
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Got into this provider knowing this was just a typical asian crapshoot and I was proved correct. With that being said everything was delivered as promise and I would only repeat if it was the only option available. VIPs read on
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Good massage provided by a nice and curvy Ann. She is a skilled masseuse, and some extras were like a cherry on top. Ann is a welcoming, pretty, English girl. Apartment had a bed prepared for massage when I arrived, a nice atmosphere, dimmed lights, music in the background and smelled good. Took a shower and she told me to lay naked, which I did. She used oil for a massage and really hit the right spots. I told her about the critical places and she pressed and massaged them with special attention. Ann is definitely not an amateur. After a good back and legs massage, some attention was paid to my buttocks, feeling great. I work sitting all day, so this really did a thing for me. Told me to turn around and proceeded to give me now erotic massage with handjob. After 10 minutes of good wank, finished me with a nice oily handjob while massaging my prostate with the other hand. It felt amazing! Cleaned me up. Asked for another shower to wash the extra oil. Really good and erotic experience.