Brit Ragnhild (22), Zadar, escort girl     Call

Modest Brit Ragnhild (22) escort Zadar

"Video Chat Videos in Zadar"


Tel. number
Location: Zadar / Croatia
Last seen: Yesterday in 22:31
1 day ago: 18:08
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Speak: EnglishFrench, Spanish, Portugese
Piercings: Breasts
Pussy: Shaven
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

Bok, ja sam Brit Ragnhild22 godina, slatka, vruća i nježno seksi djevojka. Seksi djevojka visoke klase je djevojka tvojih snova.❤💚 Ja sam Brit Ragnhild i prava djevojka. Vjeruj mi? Molim te prihvati me.💚Živim sam u svom domu.Možete doći u moju kuću ili gdje god želite.💚1OO% pravih, mladih, seksi i dostupnih u bilo koje vrijeme.💚Seksi magični dodir i nježno opuštanje💚Ja sam Brit Ragnhild, otvoren, prijateljski raspoložen, pun poštovanja i vrlo vrlo Diskretan.💚Ja sam Brit Ragnhild Senzualan i imam sjajnu osobnost💚Besplatno tuširanje💚B2B masaža/ GFE & 69 / Sisanje bez pokrivanja / Ljubljenje💚100% zadovoljstvo⭐⭐⭐Ostale usluge⭐⭐⭐⫸💚Ručni rad / Ruka Otpusti⫸💚Najbolji posao sa sisama⫸💚Posebno tvoj vlastiti stil⫸💚Ja sam Brit Ragnhild⫸💚 Najbolje se ljubim POŠALJI MI TEKST-✦✦📱(773)839-1392🍇🍒🍇Nakon tvog odgovora reći ću ti i dati više golih slika. 🍇🍒🍇 Živimo kao da će ovaj dan biti posljednji.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 173 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Age: 22 yrs
Motto: If you want to play it like a game, then come on, come on let's play. Cos i'd rather waste my life pretending, then have to forget you for one whole minute. Crushcrushcrush - Paramore.Don't even bother, guys.
Nationality: Russian
Preferences: Seeking dick
Breast: Super Nice
Eye color: grey
Perfumes: Haught Parfums
Orientation: Straight


Full oil massage
Brazilian sex
Sexy shower
Tantric sex
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Anal massage
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Blow job
School girl sex


Quick €30 €70
1 hour €100
Plus hour €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €900
24 hours €1400

Assistance and sexual accompaniment in disability / functional diversity.. my name is Brit Ragnhild, I work in the field of sex work, I specialize in Assistance and sexual accompaniment in functional diversity/disability, for women and men, as well as all gender expressions, sexual orientations, and relational practices... We can go to eat, go for a walk, have conversations on multiple topics, politics, current affairs, etc. We just have to talk about it and reach agreements. Close and real treatment. . I move between Zadar, Valparaíso, and its surroundings. Any questions you can write to me.

Escort Brit Ragnhild reviews:

CAVILDARIN: Vidio sam Brit Ragnhild kad sam bio u posjeti gradu. Bila je prva na mom TDL-u jednostavno zato što su njezini oglasi bili vrlo intrigantni. Iako prirodno nije crvenokosa, zaključio sam da je to dovoljno da joj se obratim.Ona ima prilično zauzet raspored i odvaja malo vremena od hobija pa su rezervacije unaprijed bile ključne. Imala je nešto na rasporedu i ona je obavila praćenje tog dana. Njezin poziv je vrlo težak za nekoga tko je prvi put u TX-u. Trebalo mi je oko 10-15 minuta da ga pronađem iako je Google Maps rekao da sam bio tamo. Kad sam konačno upoznao Brit Ragnhild, bila je ono što sam očekivao. Mlada je i privlačna i ima sladak osmijeh. Pogledajte je, neće vas razočarati.

Kiwiguy22: phoned up Kitty's as was my first time for any of this, maid on the phone was a laugh and assured me that the ladies they had were fantastic and she was too right! she told me what services they did and how much, i opted for the O option only and with i met Brit Ragnhild, when she came in i was shocked, i did the Tex Avery Wolf - eyes jumped and and jaw dropped with tongue hanging out - she introduced herself, offered me a drink, sat me on the bed making the usual banter, only she did know how to crack a joke which made me feel really relaxed, started off with a light massage - stonking hard on made it a little uncomfortable to lay on my front! she knows her stuff about machines - not the pleasure toy kind either which got me a little more turned on, i had to force myself to turn around!she started with a light breast relief - yes it was bloody fantastic, smooth and gentle, proper handful, she let me take control for a bit and then she wrapped my willy up and got down to sucking me off... it was fantastic! rough and started to gag - she couldnt deepthroat me, yes i took it as a huge compliment! excuse the pun, but she was great, spesh seeing her look up at me with them eyes.. woweventually i jizzed and Brit Ragnhild finished me off with a light massage.very relaxing and pleasurable night, great way to unwind, happily visit again.

JARROLD33PAMPAS: Imao sam vruće poslijepodne s ovom ljupkom damom. Izlazak s posla ranije značio je da mi je bilo lako zabaviti se, pa sam provjerio stranice za eskort i uzbudilo me Cristinanino zaobljeno tijelo. Ubrzo sam stigao u njen stan, a ona me dočekala s osmijehom i uskoj haljini i znao sam da će ovo biti super provod.Razgovarale smo o stvarima koje su nas uzbuđivale, a onda smo nedugo nakon toga krenule u njezinu spavaću sobu. Rekla je da će me izmasirati, a ja sam se iznenadio kad sam vidio da se u isto vrijeme skinula, i wow, imala je stvarno sjajno tijelo. Masaža je bila savršena, i volio sam osjetiti njezine ruke na sebi, a onda je pritisnula svoje grudi na moja leđa i to je također bilo dobro. i došlo je do vrlo seksi trenutaka. Vrhunsko iskustvo s djevojkom i definitivno mogu reći da je Cristinana broj jedan u mojim knjigama za vrlo vruću i prijateljsku zabavu.



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