Cassandra (27), Zadar, escort sexgirl     Call

Mature Cassandra (27) escort Zadar

"A Colorful teen Zadar"


Tel. number
Location: Zadar / Croatia
Last seen: 1 day ago in 04:45
Today: 20:36
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Speak: English
Piercings: Clit
Tatoo: Many
Safe apartment: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

✨Dostupan 24/7✨Čist i diskretan✨BEZ PROVOĐENJA ZAKONA✨100% stvaran✨Želimo vas zadovoljiti i natjerati da se vraćate po još .POZIVI PREFERIJA ili SMS na tel: xxx-3 Lagano s dobrim smislom za humor.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 189 cm
Weight: 93 kg / 205 lbs
Age: 27 yrs
Hobby: Archery (won first place in states last year :) ; tae kwon do; volleyball; tennis
Nationality: Slovakian
Preferences: Looking horny people
Breast: like melons
Lingerie: Nike
Perfumes: Majenty
Orientation: Straight


Foam massage
Anal massage
Sexy lingerie
Submissive sex escorts Zadar
Anal Sex
Bondage sex escorts Zadar
Sexy shower
Intimate massage
Sensual Massage
Mutual masturbation
Prostate Massage escorts Zadar
Private Video


Quick €30 €90
1 hour €120
Plus hour €90
12 hours €600
24 hours

Come and enjoy with me the best of pleasures 🔥 come and play together.

Escort Cassandra reviews:

Raj71: Jako seksi djevojka koja mi je priuštila nezaboravnu večer, jako sam uživao jer je bila jako mokra i napaljena tijekom našeg spoja. Htjela sam neko vrijeme unajmiti eskort, ali nisam jer nisam našla onu koja bi me dovoljno oduševila, dok nisam naišla na Cassandra. Njeno tijelo je kao stvoreno za mene, prekrasno ukrašeno seksi donjim rubljem. Nazvao sam je i dogovorili smo se da se vidimo i zamolio sam je da nosi istu stvar na slikama. Dala mi je nezaboravan trenutak za pamćenje.

BITTELAZAR: Ovo je bio moj četvrti put da vidim Cassandra. Nakon nekoliko poruka prije nekoliko mjeseci, pokušali smo se povezati. U to sam vrijeme otišao do njezine kuće, ali bilo je neugodno jer je tamo bila njezina cimerica. Upoznali smo se i malo popričali, bila je vrlo druželjubiva, ali sam to vrijeme otišao s namjerom da je vidim kad bude sama. Vidio sam je 2 puta nakon toga, svaki na drugom mjestu. Vrlo je zgodna i uživao sam u vremenu s njom i namjeravao sam je viđati nekoliko puta mjesečno. Pokušao sam je vidjeti jučer. Upoznao sam je na parkiralištu oko kilometar i pol od hotela u kojem je htjela dobiti sobu za noćenje i trebao joj je novac da uzme sobu. Rekao sam joj da ne želim platiti njezinu sobu, ali je tražila svoju donaciju i onda će me nazvati. Dvoumio sam se, ali sam joj dao novac i to je bilo to. Sjela je u auto i odvezla se i to je bilo to. Nazvala je nakon otprilike 10 minuta da mi kaže da je dobila sobu udaljenu oko 12 milja. Otišao sam tamo i nikad se više nisam čuo s njom. Dobila je moj novac od donacija. Vrlo razočaravajuće.

Shellac T.: TOFTT.U početku malo teško za raspored. Isporučila je, Ne-VIP osobe, ako želite jednostavno i brzo, nazovite. VIP čitajte dalje...



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Cassandra arrived on time and was dressed in casual attire. Nice time.

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Been wanting to see her for a while, and I'd heard great things about her.She was late, but it was rush hour on a Friday afternoon, and the hotel is close to the border, so I know traffic sucks something fierce, and they were very good about keeping in communication about her progress toward arrival, so I wasn't bothered by the delay at all.I can honestly say that I think she's a better fit for others, so in good faith I can recommend her, but she's not my type, personally, so I'm unlikely to repeat.

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Saw Cassandra after a meeting in manhattan one day. Have seen her multiple times already. She is always a pleasure. One if the most beautiful blondes I have met and will continue to see.

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Cassandra delivers as other reviewers have stated. She is tall and beautiful. And has a genuine desire to make you happy. VIPs read on non go check her out and write a review…

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Mature , full of experience and naughty like no other girl I met before. Since I had sex with an older woman, I never even looked at an escort who wasn't at least 40 years old. When I came across Cassandra, I instantly wanted to call her even though it was late at night. I decided to wait for the next day and as soon as I woke up, I gave her a call and I booked an appointment with her. Her photos showed she was really naughty and I knew that I'll experience things I never experienced before. I gave myself over to her, knowing I'm in good hands! Cassandra did some things which made me feel incredible and she pulled out a couple of sex toys which I didn't even know existed. I can honestly say that I had the time of my life with Cassandra and I'll call her a few more times before I decide to start looking for another escort to hire.

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A very gentle GFE. Lots of kissing and teasing. Takes a good hard shagg does Cassandra. I gave it my best but couldn't quite get her to orgasm. A is included in the price but has a very tight bum to penetrate..Her uncovered BJ was none too good, she is a little too gentle for me.

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Called on the phone and set it up.. Motel was in a hard place to find and had to call a couple of times to find her location. She was friendly on the phone and in the room but a little to many rules and a bit of up selling... we got started and

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