Tel. number | |
Location: | Zadar / Croatia |
Last seen: | Today in 22:24 |
Yesterday: | 13:05 |
Incall/Outcall: | Outcall |
Speak: | English, Portugese |
Piercings: | None |
Tatoo: | A Few |
Safe apartment: | Yes |
Parking: | Yes |
Shower available: | Yes |
Payments: | Cash |
Duo service: | Saetbyoel escort |
Pozdrav napaljena gospodo !!! Zovem se Tua Lii i NOVO sam u ovom području.
100% originalne fotografije, tako da nećete biti iznenađeni kada se sretnemo.
Vrlo sam diskretan, senzualan i topao s nježan dodir i zavodljiv nježan glas!! Lady Domina Eweline u Wroclawu ...
Height: | 159 cm / 5'3'' |
Weight: | 44 kg / 97 lbs |
Age: | 27 yrs |
Motto: | go for it |
Nationality: | Croatian |
Preferences: | I ready dick |
Breast: | Average |
Lingerie: | Paccio |
Perfumes: | David Yurman |
Orientation: | Bisexuals |
Rimming |
Body worship |
Multiple sex positions |
Bare back blow job |
Lingerie |
Scat |
Role play escorts Zadar |
Titjob |
Sex in Different Positions |
Strip tease |
Light bondage sex |
Slave sex escorts Zadar |
Light spanking escorts Zadar |
Balls licking and sucking |
Quickie sex escorts Zadar |
Erotic sensual massage |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €40 | |
1 hour | €110 | |
Plus hour | €70 | €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) |
12 hours | ||
24 hours | €1400 |
Pia antonia helen gabriela at homes motels you just have to call and fulfill your erotic dreams I am waiting for you very hot.
Unmistakable R.: Nemojte mrziti kada vas prva ozljeda pogodi i obori na dupe. Išijatični živac mi se upalio i osjećao sam neopisivu bol u leđima i niz nogu. Nikad prije nisam ovo imao. Otišla sam kod doktora i on me je učinio starom. Znaš da stariš kada doktor kaže da je to normalno za čovjeka tvojih godina, i smatraj se sretnim ovaj put,... također znaš da stariš kada ........... ..............................Odaberite svoj sljedeći automobil za lumbalnu potporu i praktične držače za čaše. Pišate u Morseovoj abecedi...točkice i crtice , i morate pogledati dolje da vidite jeste li gotovi. Brijete uši. Uistinu ste uzbuđeni kad vam lijekovi stignu poštom. Zlovoljni ste što zgodna riba u Body Heat sada izgleda kao William Shatner u drag .Pitate se hoće li vas orgazam koji namjeravate doživjeti ubiti. Seks se čini kao puno posla. Radije biste pojeli juhu. Na radiju imate programirani klasični rock kako biste imali što slušati kada NPR ima obećanje vozi. Ne možeš razumjeti zašto bi itko snimio porno film dulji od 8 minuta. Pretvaraš se da ne čuješ 90% svojih razgovora. Kad pljuneš ponekad više ne možeš stvoriti dovoljno pritiska i on ti curi niz bradu. Čistite zubni konac kako bi vaš stomatolog bio ponosan na vas. Ponekad koristite dječji pisoar u javnim kupaonicama pa se osjećate kao div. AARP vas neće ostaviti na miru i čini se da je sva vaša pošta od njih. Kada pokušate urediti vi vojnici, završi krvoprolićem. Ispod vašeg vrata pojavi se ogromna viseća mreža. Dobijete udarac u jaja i ne boli toliko. Mislite da DIVOVSKI daljinski upravljači, telefoni i kalkulatori više nisu blesavi, već dobri pametna ideja. Ponekad ujutro vaša šipka izgleda poput bolo kravate. Mislite da osoba do vas u dizalu ima smrtonosnu bolest pa zadržavate dah dok ne siđete. Gledate te papuče s podstavom od flisa LL.Bean katalog za Božić i slanje savjeta u lipnju. Vidjeti WHo kako nastupa na Superbowlu učinilo vas je neutješno tužnim. Primijetili ste da sve vaše hlače ne zahtijevaju remen. Vaš doktor kaže da će vam novi lijek smanjiti količinu sjemena, a vi kažete TAKO ŠTO. Možeš izbaciti leđa kad siđeš sa sranja. Sranje, trebao sam vidjeti ženu prije nego bude prekasno. I ne bilo tko, trebao mi je PSE ludi provod, budući da sam zbog svog mentalnog stanja pomislio da bi mi ovo mogao biti posljednji put. Pregledavao sam svoje prošle recenzije i popise omiljenih. Primijetio sam da se Onna vratila na TER i prošlo je nekoliko godina otkako sam je vidio.Pročitao sam svoju recenziju i sjetio se da je bila nevjerojatna. Nazvao sam je i otišao možda na svoju posljednju ševu.................................. .............
Quinley A.: Kontaktirao sam Vicky na preporuku kolege hobija. Izgleda baš kao na svojim slikama i ima sjajnu osobnost koja voli zabavu! Ako tražite terapeutsku obradu tijela kao i senzualnu masažu, ne možete pogriješiti. Treći put i vratit ću se opet. Osobe koje nisu VIP svakako posjet.
drill69: I had been planning a trip to Albuquerque for a while and noticed Tua Lii months ago. We chatted on and off until I was finally able to make it out. Screening was pretty easy for me, as I am easy to find and identify online. A couple of references helped out the process. My schedule was pretty full, but she came and visited me for a couple of hours before my plane left. I usually expect the photos a lady uses to advertise to be better than what arrives at my door. This was not the case with Tua Lii. She is far, far, far prettier in person. She was dressed appropriately for her journey through the hotel lobby, but my god it was still sexy. Ask for the boots, if that's your thing (She kept them on throughout the whole 2 hours, at my request). She told me she is a pretty low volume provider. I don't know if this is true or not, but with her looks, manner, and technique, I can't imagine why she isn't the busiest girl in town.
| +1 |
This girl will give you anything you want! Totally worth the money spent. Claudia drove me over the moon! She is full of ideas and ready to share each and every one of them with me. She is friendly, has a killer smile and is 100% worth the money to have an overnight with. First, we had dinner and the took a long walk just enjoying each other's company. I was (still am) so attracted to her and I liked her strong but kind personality right from the get-go. Under the sheets, she is very passionate and caring and loves to show you just how much she's into you and what it is that the two of you are doing together. Best of all she's just as happy to make you orgasm as you are to do it! For my next vacation, I have decided I want to take her along and shower her with everything she deserves and then some because I know she will do the same in return in bed! I've had so much fun already plus she's taught me a lot too and that just means this will be the best vacation yet. I can't wait for it to happen! I'm guessing that we will be having so much naughty fun that I will lose track of how many times we have sex and maybe even what day it is.
| +1 |
Typical two call system. Had seen her ads in backpage for a while, always thought she was hot. Called her up during the day, and went to her place. Easy parking, nice condo complex. She met me at the door, and is as hot as her pictures. She was wearing jeans and a tank top, and you could see her jugs busting out...
| +1 |
Two words can say all you need to say about Tua Lii. Rolls Royce like the days of old @ Cleo's. She is in a class of her own & has only been at Cleo,s a week so please look after her as she is like gold dust !!!!
| +1 |
I have seen Tua Lii multiple times. Her massage technique is great and helps to relax you. However, when you "turn over" she is out of this world. A real pampering and an erotic experience that will make you feel incredible. A lovely person too.