Fuchs (36), Zagreb, escort model
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Blondes Fuchs (36) escort Zagreb

"Inexpensive Austrian Muture Sex Video in Zagreb"


Tel. number
Location: Zagreb / Croatia
Last seen: Today in 23:41
6 days ago: 07:56
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Speak: English, German
Piercings: Breasts
Pussy: Shaved mostly
Shower available: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

Hej dušo ....😘💋❤️Ja sam Fuchs18 godina, seksi napaljena i razigrana. Definitivno ću te natjerati da svršiš danas/večeras, ako se dođeš igrati sa mnom. Ne propustite moje prekrasne nevjerojatne crte na mom tijelu i ja sam Fuchs najbolje iskustvo koje možete steći. Obavijesti me kada budeš potpuno spremna, dušo, kontaktiraj me kada se budeš pokušavao naći.Ako si zainteresiran, nazovi/pošalji poruku Drkanje -> 35 dolaraBrzo -> 60 $Seks u autu -> 80 $Seks -> 100 $1 sat -> 200 $IZLAZNI POZIV SAMO ‼️‼️‼️BEZ CRNACA ‼️‼️‼️SAMO Uredno obrijan i zaštita ‼️!!! bok ljudi, hajde da se zabavimo

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 185 cm
Weight: 77 kg / 170 lbs
Age: 36 yrs
Motto: ur stupid, jk! no.. but seriously.. ur an idiot..
Nationality: Austrian
Preferences: I'm ready cock
Breast: you will like my boobs
Lingerie: NuCode
Perfumes: Divine
Orientation: Bisexuals


Deep throat
Squirting escorts Zagreb
Blow job
Shower service
Private Photos
Doggy style
Balls licking and sucking escorts Zagreb
Quickie sex
Cum in Mouth
Passionate kissing
Hand job escorts Zagreb


Quick €50 €60
1 hour €120
Plus hour €110 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours
24 hours

Hi, bb, I'm in a private house. I am independent, I work alone. Recently arrived I am Fuchs kind, affectionate. My deal is relaxed with pololo kisses on the oral mouth with or if pre-vaginal anal. 2 contact. Full time . My contents are very hot I have photos, instant videos, toys, dances. Two contacts

Escort Fuchs reviews:

CYRILICGREE: Poslao sam e-poruku Madison i pitao je li slobodna i gdje se nalazi. Dobila je odgovor i vratili smo se naprijed-natrag s pregledom i vremenom. Nakon što je bila zadovoljna, dala mi je mjesto i krenuo sam. Bio sam sretan što sam odvojio vrijeme da je upoznam. Ponavljat će se.

trippin: She's hot and her smooth big tits is like waving, and she unrushed service, you will not be disappointed. Passion and fire, transporting u to a luxurious hell with my angelical body. elegant and sublime silky skin She have a privacy, the right place for fun. She's very friendly, Fuchs love keeping good company, she love to share nice time with nice guys, gentleman and Fuchs feel so good when she see you satisfied x, Because she promise you, I can make you go crazy, be in another world, without many words. She was so good with her moves as well as using her tongue. At the end, we're both chasing our breath. she is the girl next door type!.

JaneNOllie4fun: Bila je subota navečer. Nisam mogla dočekati još jednu "Večer s kremom za ruke" ispred svog računala, pa sam nazvala Annabella's i rezervirala nekoliko slatkiša za 11 sati. Rezervirao sam ih da rade uzastopno. Ujutro sam upalio Quattro i odvezao se u Milton Keynes. Prva djevojka koju sam vidio bila je Fuchs. Dočekao sam je dolje i otpratila me do sobe. Stavila je svoju torbu s trikovima na noćni ormarić. Zatim se okrenula. Nacerila se kao vražje dijete, a oči su joj tinjale od mračnih djela. Povukla me k sebi i snažno me poljubila. Njezin je jezik pipao svaku udubinu u mojim ustima. Kunem se da mi je polizala krajnike. Zaustavila je francuski poljubac na trenutak kako bi mi mogla protrljati kitu kroz traperice. Iskrivila je lice kao da je zadovoljna mojom čvrstoćom. Svukla mi je traperice, uhvatila moj kurac kroz Kleinsice i drsko me drhtala. "Mmm", progunđala je. "Tvrd si kao plastični dildo." Zatim je povukla moje donje rublje i moj veliki tvrdi kurac udario je o moj paket od šest komada. Kakav prekrasan zvuk! Gurnuo sam je uza zid i priljubio svoje usne uz njezine. Gurnuo sam kukove naprijed tako da se moj kurac smjestio između njezinih nogu. Zatvorila je bedra i pomicala kukove naprijed-natrag - učinkovito drkajući moj kurac. "O da, ajmo se sušiti kao 15-godišnjaci!" šapnula je dok mi je ljubila vrat. Kad smo prešle do kreveta, pitala je, "Koliko puta želite svršiti" "Samo jednom, molim vas, gospođice. Vidim Justine nakon vas, pa je bolje da joj spremim malo sperma." "Pa, zašto ne bismo sve to sačuvali za nju. Možemo potrošiti svoje vrijeme na produženu predigru. "To je bila sjajna ideja i vrlo altruistično od nje.Pohvaljujem je na tom prijedlogu. Dakle, sljedećih 20 minuta proveli smo u ljubljenju i sisanju. Fuchs je imao dugačak jezik. U ustima mi se činilo da je dug 7 inča, iako kad sam ga izmjerio, zapravo je bio samo pola te duljine. Ali dimenzije nisu sve - spretnost je daleko važnija. A njezin je jezik mlatarao uokolo poput hobotnice u break-dancingu. Bilo je ugodno gledati kako se vrti oko mog zvona. Popušila je par excellence, s puno pažnje na jaja i gornji dio bedara. Dahtao sam! Zapravo, postajao sam ljubičast pokušavajući zadržati legije vojnika koji su navaljivali na vrata dvorca. Naprezao sam se da se obuzdam, što je bilo nesnosno veselo. Pogledao sam na sat. "Naše vrijeme je isteklo." Pogledala je na sat, a zatim je pogledala mene. "Tako je. Jesi li spreman za Justine", kimnuo sam." Poslat ću je unutra." Poslala mi je poljubac.Fuchs pružila je fantastičnu uslugu: bila je nemilosrdno raskalašna. Počelo mi je biti žao Justine. Pomislio sam u sebi: "Kako ona može ovo pratiti. To će biti kao da Hank Marvin prati Jimija Hendrixa."



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I missed Fuchs when she was in town and she said she would email me next time she was coming. A few months later I received an email and we set up an appointment. Most of the reviews were old and I have to say I was concerned about the effect that time may have had on her looks. She met me in the hotel bar and I was not disappointed with how amazing she still looks. She has the most amazing eyes and a mischievous little smile that we've all seen on the screen We enjoyed a beverage and small talk before heading up to my room. A very sweet lady without the slightest air of arrogance or attitude. If you have the chance and want to enjoy true PSE with an amazing lady don't miss the opportunity

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angel or devil, whatever you like! I prefer devil girls that are bad bad. Fuchs will show you what she likes and wants, spreading her legs wide to make a room for my tongue..She was bent over the bed edge and asked to give to her hard, she climaxed a few times with me..

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Texted booker to see who was available, Fuchs is petite and provides good service. Will repeat for sure……VIPS read on…

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I finally connected with Fuchs again which is very difficult. She was ready when I arrived and it went well but kind of fast. Will probably repeat as this was my 5th or 6th visit.

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Got to see Fuchs today, she was on my TDL for the longest. I would describe her looks a cross between Eva Longoria and porn star Abella Danger. She has full kissable lips. Her body I would describe as curves in the right places, she's not thin nor skinny, just a healthy body. Man mades yes, her ass is a nice shapely bubble butt.

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Wanted to see Fuchs for sometime but due to covid, touring cancelation, and her living in a completely state. I felt I may never see her but looks like the planets aligned and she finally was touring to my area. Had to book right as soon I saw her announcement. Got to the incall and she opened the door holy smokes.......

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I saw Fuchs’s ad and saw she was local and doing outcall. I sent her a text and then we exchanged pics and she sent a short video, verifying herself. She is beautiful and sweet, treat her well and she will do the same…..

Wanna cum? 💦 more private photos and vids in my profile...

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