Herfort (32), Zagreb, escort model     Call

Modest Herfort (32) escort Zagreb

"Chopped Lebanese Torture Handjob Zagreb"


Tel. number
Location: Zagreb / Croatia
Last seen: Yesterday in 21:26
3 days ago: 07:24
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Speak: EnglishFrench, German, Spanish, Portugese
Piercings: Navel
Pussy: Shaven
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

Prelijepo, sitno tijelo, noge za koje treba umrijeti i slatka osobnost koja voli zabavu. Layla je vrlo otvorenog uma i odvest će vas do visina užitka koje nikada prije niste iskusili. Neke su žene gotovo previše lijepe.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 164 cm / 5'5''
Weight: 47 kg
Age: 32 yrs
Motto: If it was ment to be it will be
Nationality: Lebanese
Preferences: Wanting teen sex
Breast: like melons
Lingerie: Caprice
Perfumes: Cote Bastide
Orientation: Bisexuals


Cum on Face
Erotic massage
Lapdance escorts Zagreb
Full oil massage
Slave sex
Covered blow job
Dildo Play escorts Zagreb
Masturbation escorts Zagreb
Squirting escorts Zagreb
Balls licking and sucking
Strap on
Shower service


Quick €30
1 hour €120 €180 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour €110 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €600
24 hours €1000

Sexy daring lady relaxed hot kisser I suck you natural until you get the last gothic 💦.

Escort Herfort reviews:

ZaneB: Nisam siguran kako sam prvobitno previdio Tawny dok sam pregledavao ove recenzije, ali na moju sreću kolega koji je objavio ju je vidio, pregledao ju je i vratio njezin profil natrag na 1. stranicu. Iskreno, dovoljno je bilo da pročitam jednu ili dvije njezine recenzije znati da sam je želio vidjeti, ali zapravo sam sjedio i čitao većinu njih i postao sam još zaintrigiraniji.Poslao sam Tawny e-poruku sa svojim preporukama i rekao joj da želim dogovoriti nešto za budućnost, ali nisam imao na umu datum. Tawny mi je odmah uzvratila e-poštom i rekla da joj pošaljem kratak opis sebe. Ništa neobično jer ona to navodi na svojoj stranici. Jesam, a ona je odgovorila: "Super! Sada ću posegnuti za vašim referencama”. Prošlo je nekoliko dana i nisam se čuo s Tawny, ali to je bilo za očekivati ​​jer sam znao da je ona zaposlena žena. U e-poruci sam je pitao jesam li verificiran, a ona je odgovorila "ne, da joj nitko od referenci nije odgovorio, ali pokušat će ponovno." Nekoliko dana kasnije rekla mi je da sam dobro i dogovorili smo par dana kasnije (Funday - Sunday). Non-Vip's Znam da nemate ekskluzive za čitanje sokova, ali sve što sam pročitao je točno i vjerujte mi da nećete pogriješiti. Nju morate vidjeti.

cuzinesweet45: Bilo je to užasno iskustvo. 170 dolara za poziv. Ne bi se čak ni skinula bez novca. Rekao je da je 170 samo za poziv. Dao sam joj dodatnih 50 dolara da me popuši. koristila je užasno mali kondom koji je ludo bolio. Nakon što sam došao samo se počistila i otišla.

CONVOCATORJUDO: Herfort vrlo je jednostavan za komunikaciju. Zapravo, brzo vam se javlja na vaše zahtjeve e-poštom. Dogovorili smo vrijeme za sastanak tjedan prije i ostali smo u kontaktu tijekom tjedna koji je prethodio našem zajedničkom vremenu. Herfort JE LI TA djevojka iz susjedstva koju ste oduvijek htjeli UČINITI. Danju leti UTR. Ali WoW! Kad želi biti zločesta, ona je PSE u susjedstvu! Ona je pametna, s njom je lako razgovarati i PUNO je zabavna. Preporučuje se.



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Well, I'd fantasised about a nuru experience ever since I saw a video of it. Guy lies back and slim oriental girl slides all over him - what's not to like Herfort started me off in the bath, a pleasing back scrub then a shower. Apparently you have to be wet for the nuru experience. Then into the bedroom and face down onto an airbed type guest mattress. Hot nuru gel poured over my back, then naked Herfort proceeded to massage me with her buttocks. The nuru, being aqueous, has a little surface tension to it, so the buttock movement kept stalling. The nuru dripped down and pooled where I'd naturally lay my head, so I was lying in the rapidly cooling liquid. A bit more sliding then the instruction to turn around. A massage with Herfort's sternum followed, sliding up to my face then away again. After a few minutes of this she sat back and proceeded to wank me off - lots of gel, two hands - best hand job I've had, actually.So the BJ on the website was not offered or volunteered. I didn't ask for it because these things are always 'at discretion'. No sex, no kissing, and the massage - well, I've had better and more sensual in massage joints. But like I said, the hand job was marvelous. Herfort tries hard and I had a pleasing hour, but I'll not return because at I can get far more elsewhere, and I'll not recommend because the whole nuru thing is bollox. You're better off with some oil and a chick that knows how to use it! - especially if there's going to be no condom use during the session.

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She regularly posts on BP, but has offered just outcall until recently. I contacted her and she was available. After a delay, we met and it was one of the best experiences I've had. Non-VIPs I fully endorse her.

Wanna cum? 💦 more private photos and vids in my profile...

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