Tel. number | |
Location: | Zagreb / Croatia |
Last seen: | 4 days ago in 07:19 |
Today: | 20:17 |
Incall/Outcall: | Outcall |
Speak: | English, Dutch |
Piercings: | Yes |
Pussy: | Shaven |
Payments: | Cash |
Pozdrav i dobrodošli na moj profil, vrlo sam sretan što dolazim u Zagreb na praznike i želio bih provesti neko vrijeme kako bih postao pratnja za diskretnu i pristojnu gospodu. Nalazim se u luksuznom privatnom stanu gdje smo mogu provesti kvalitetno vrijeme slike su 100% stvarne. Radim po prethodnom dogovoru me be your russian sugar darling! Doctor Who Red Draw i Star Trek.
Height: | 183 cm |
Weight: | 52 kg |
Age: | 24 yrs |
Motto: | Without pain and suffering, their would be no compassion |
Nationality: | Austrian |
Preferences: | Ready sexy chat |
Breast: | DD |
Lingerie: | Five Seasons |
Perfumes: | Johan B |
Orientation: | Straight |
Anal massage escorts Zagreb |
Sex Games |
Handjob |
Titjob |
Light bondage sex |
Private Photos |
Sensual Massage |
Full oil massage |
Multiple sex positions |
Footjob |
Cumshot on body escorts Zagreb |
Massage |
Scat |
Slave sex escorts Zagreb |
Prostate Massage |
Hand job |
Strap on |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €30 | €70 |
1 hour | €120 | €180 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) |
Plus hour | €100 | €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) |
12 hours | €600 | |
24 hours | €1300 |
Simonovi N.: Two call system, Canada (esp Niagara Falls) is an easy place to have fun because it is more or less legal there. Names are not exchanged, operator won't ask for your name or a reference.After arriving at the motel where she was located, I knocked and she opened up the door. Behind the door was a thin, attractively attired woman in a blue dress that flowed over her thin body.After some conversation and hugging and light kissing, we got more intimate on the bed.Jazmi is a sweet person, and responds very well to being massaged herself and to being treated well. Treat her well and she will reward handsomely. I would repeat. VIPs read on
DANZZ: Prsata, otvorena i apsolutno nastrana pratnja koja mi je pružila lude osjećaje koje nikad prije nisam osjetio. Počeo sam tražiti pratnju jer je moja supruga otišla u drugu zemlju zbog posla, a ja ću joj se pridružiti za više od šest mjeseci. Nisam želio da sazna da sam je prevario pa sam odlučio da bi najsigurnije bilo unajmiti eskort. Provjerio sam desetke pratitelja, ali Jazmi je bio prvi koji mi je privukao pažnju na više od nekoliko sekundi. Bilo je nešto na njoj što ju je činilo stvarno zavodljivom i samo sam je nazvao i rezervirao termin kod nje. Kad sam otišao do nje, vidio sam je u nastranoj odjeći koja je uključivala mrežaste čarape i visoke pete. Kao da je znala da me upravo to pali više od svega drugoga i počeli smo se čuditi čim sam ušao. Otišla je od mene potpuno zadovoljna i što je najvažnije, nitko nikada neće saznati da sam s njom varao svoju ženu. Drago mi je što sam pronašao Jazmi jer mi je pružila zadovoljstvo koje mi je očajnički trebalo otkad me je žena ostavila.
GINA47SLIMLY: Vrlo otvoren za parove, supruga i ja smo se zabavili. Vrlo dobro vrijeme. Moja supruga i ja volimo da stvari budu malo začinjene pa smo posegnuli za Jazmi da se dobro zabavimo. Nikad prije nismo radili tako nešto pa nismo uopće bili sigurni što očekivati. Došla je kod nas i bila je vrlo diskretna. Odmah je vidjela da je moja supruga samo malo sramežljivija od mene, pa je bila tako ljubazna da se osjeća ugodno, što je bilo prilično nevjerojatno.Bio sam stvarno napaljen samo gledajući njih dvoje kako komuniciraju i jednostavno je krenulo odatle. Oni su stvarno ulazili u to i ja sam se zapravo počela osjećati pomalo izostavljeno! Na kraju je skrenula pažnju na mene i WOW! Apsolutno ništa loše za reći o njoj. Bila je vrlo vješta u ugađanju muškaraca i žena i bila je usredotočena na to da se oboje dobro zabavljamo. Pretpostavljam da se možda malo više zabavljala s mojom ženom, ali meni je to odgovaralo. Lizala je, sisala, igrala se, poskakivala, vrtjela pa čak i malo plesala. Doslovno sve što možete poželjeti od ovakvog iskustva, dobili smo sve, a zatim i nešto. Vrlo sam uzbuđen što ovo postaje redovita stvar! U jednom smo trenutku svi bili opušteni - samo smo teško disali i odmarali se na trenutak jer je seks bio tako zabavan i ona je ta koja je predložila da odemo još jedan krug. Kao što sam rekao, mislim da se jako zabavljala s mojom ženom i nije htjela prestati! U svakom slučaju, na kraju smo otišli još jednom i tada je počela prava zabava, oboje su bili u toliko različitih položaja sa mnom i jedno s drugim da sam izgubio broj! Bio je to jedan od najboljih provoda koje sam ikada imao, a vidjevši kako i moja žena uživa u njemu, bilo je prilično nevjerojatno. Toplo bih preporučio ovu apsolutnu divu od žene.
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Was in Barcelona and wanted to hit the circuit...Maison Close is a pretty well known spot and I wasn't far away so figured why not. Spotted a girl I was interested in working that night, made an appointment via Whatsapp and headed over. Once I got there, the booker pushes me to check out all of the girls and she says it's a free option, so why not I figure. I run through all of the girls and the notice the one I booked with never showed. She told me that she wasn't feeling well and went home...I guess that's why she made me take a look at the lineup.Either way, I took mental notes and thought Jazmi would be a pretty good backup option. She's exactly like the pictures...I pay the fee and into the private room we go.
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Hot brunette with beautiful green eyes. Looks so seductive. I had a great time with her. Everything about the booking went very well and I got this beauty. It was a very good time, she is really attractive and such a good kisser. She gave me the best blowjob I've ever experienced and I'll be back for more, definitely! And the massage she gave me was brilliant too. Great time and great service.
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Jazmi is not answering this phone number. I tried calling all day. I had always wanted to be with a mature woman and one that was comfortable in her own skin. I guessed Jazmi is that kind of woman and called, but she is not answering the calls or messages.
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Arrived at place early and got buzzed in - met the girl in the outfit I requested (too be honest the outfit looked very good on her) but we got into the bedroom and the room was so very dark I could barely see her, I asked her to turn the lights on and she acted if she didn't understand me.. At this point I made the mistake of continuing the appointment - I gave her the money and got undressed , led to the bathroom where I was expecting a shared bath with Jazmi - no it hadn't been added to the information to Jazmi from the agency.. So I have to have a shower alone - not impressed..Back into the room and it became very apparent that we just didn't click - very shy girl and we didn't kiss at all - went through the motions but it wasn't great time with her..Now The only reason why I am not putting this as a negative review is that the back massage was very very good..Overall the appointment with Jazmi was a mistake as I probably should of contacted the agency about the problems ongoing with the appointment but I didn't(that was my mistake which I will not be making again- make sure that all you are asking for is confirmed and remind them of the requirements again before the appointment - I will be..)
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Bubbly, Funny, Welcoming and down to earth, Jazmi is absolutely fantastic! Her A Levels are 100%! I won't go into details...Just find out for yourself! You won't be disappointed!
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I contacted Ella via email and once I was screened we set a date. It was a Saturday night so parking was a little tough, but I figured it out and was on my way up to see her. She opened the door in a very nice lingerie and...VIP's read on. Non-VIPs- Ella is fantastic. Treat her right!