Nihayd (31), Zagreb, escort model
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Mulattos Nihayd (31) escort Zagreb

"Girls On Kik Now Zagreb"


Tel. number
Location: Zagreb / Croatia
Last seen: 5 days ago in 20:10
Today: 13:17
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Speak: English
Piercings: Breasts
Pussy: Shaved mostly
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes
Duo service: Naeem escort

About Me

Pozdrav svim gospodama željnim dobrog provoda. Ja sam nestašna djevojka, vesela i puna života. Smatram se osobom otvorenog uma koja voli isprobavati nova iskustva i upoznavati nove ljude. Ja sam ženstvena, nježna, inteligentna i pustolovna. Volim misliti da sam vrlo senzualan i da imam toplu, iskrenu osobnost. Ako me pokušate nazvati, a ja se ne javljam, ostavite mi poruku i javit ću vam se što prije. Radim i pozive i pozive, nazovite bilo kada i možemo dogovoriti detalje. Zaboravio sam spomenuti da su moje fotografije stvarne i ono što vidite ovdje je... višePozdrav svim gospodama željnim dobrog provoda. Ja sam nestašna djevojka, vesela i puna života. Smatram se osobom otvorenog uma koja voli isprobavati nova iskustva i upoznavati nove ljude. Ja sam ženstvena, nježna, inteligentna i pustolovna. Volim misliti da sam vrlo senzualan i da imam toplu, iskrenu osobnost. Ako me pokušate nazvati, a ja se ne javljam, ostavite mi poruku i javit ću vam se što prije.Radim i pozive i pozive, nazovite bilo kada i možemo dogovoriti detalje. Zaboravio sam napomenuti da su moje fotografije stvarne i ono što vidite ovdje je upravo ono što dobivate. Zemlja je okrugla, a ne ravna guzica.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 193 cm / 6'4''
Weight: 44 kg / 97 lbs
Age: 31 yrs
Hobby: music, snowboarding, sleeping, drugs, laughing, eating.
Nationality: Russian
Preferences: I looking sex hookers
Breast: DD
Eye color: brown
Perfumes: Nooka
Orientation: Straight


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Quick €30
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Plus hour €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €800
24 hours

Meeting services with a fixed place, I attend in villa primavera Zagreb, more information on prices and photos of samples to my WhatsApp (Only messages for babies).

Escort Nihayd reviews:

NATHANIELCORDIALLY: Nirvana s Natalie iz SAD-a Prije otprilike šest mjeseci pronašao sam Natalie dok je putovala kroz grad u koji sam krenuo, ali sudbina je htjela da je odlazila dan prije mog dolaska. Nije bilo potrebno puno zadaće prije nego što sam shvatio da je to posebna osoba koju "moram vidjeti" ako sam je ikad našao. Putujem kao i ona i mjesecima sam gledao nadajući se da će nam se putevi ukrstiti. Iskrsnuo mi je izlet u zadnji tren, pa sam odlučio na brzinu pregledati krajolik, i gle, Natalie će biti u blizini svog posljednjeg dana obilaska tog područja. Odmah sam poslao pm, a ona je odgovorila nekoliko sati kasnije dajući mi do znanja da bi voljela provesti neko vrijeme zajedno. Bila sam doslovno izvan sebe. Čekati 6 mjeseci da vidim nekoga iz svojih snova bilo je gotovo previše za podnijeti. Čekati 5 dana da vidim Natalie bilo je naporno.Morao sam promijeniti let kako bih došao dan ranije, vraćajući se sa zapadne obale na crveno oko kako bih uopće uspio. Da, bilo mi je loše, imao sam problema sa spavanjem i stalno sam se budio usred sna, a Natalie je naravno bila prekrasna seksi glavna glumica. Pokušajte se vratiti zaspati nakon što se probudite zbog toga. Lol Ne treba puno truda da se shvati da je Natalie legenda na ovim prostorima. Nakon što sam proveo vrijeme s njom, sada iz prve ruke razumijem zašto je tako visoko cijenjena i sada mogu potvrditi da je legenda istinita. Natalie ima oko 30 godina, nevjerojatno je lijepa (slike nisu opravdane), vraški seksi, ljubi se kao ne postoji sutra, ima osmijeh i osobnost koja bi zasjala Zagreb, izvrstan smisao za humor, potpuno prizemljen i totalno je fantastičan za provoditi vrijeme. Prokletstvo, jednostavno ne može biti bolje. Natalie je oličenje onoga što pružatelj usluga treba biti i visoko postavlja ljestvicu. Osobe koje nisu VIP osobe – Jedino što žalim je što želim da naš spoj bude 2 ili 3 sata. Kasnije te večeri skoro sam nazvao Natalie da vidim hoće li doći za jutarnji sastanak u 6 ujutro sljedeći dan, ali činilo mi se da bi to bilo stvarno sebično s moje strane. Imao sam cijeli dan s klijentima, a ona je tog dana odlazila, pa mi jednostavno nije bilo dobro. Inače bih je ponovno vidio u trenu!VIP-ovi, čitajte dalje za detalje mog nevjerojatno posebnog susreta. Ovako bi trebalo biti.

louise7891: Thourougly enjoyed it! Nihayd has such enthusiasm for sucking cock which is always a good sign! she wanted to me to go down on her which I gladly agreed to before sticking my cock up her while she bent over on the bed. I came so quickly! The company gets better everytime I go back! I'd love to see Nihayd again!

Belah K.: Nihayd je imao malo seksualnog iskustva. Bila je dosadna i nije imala mnogo seksualnih vještina. Biti u krevetu s Nihayd bilo je poput noćne more. Nije imala toliko seksualnih vještina koliko sam se nadao. Ne samo da je bila dosadna, već sve što je radila jednostavno nije bilo ugodno. Pušenje joj je bilo osrednje, ali barem se umorila, pretpostavljam. Ali, očekivao sam nešto puno bolje. Zagušila je cijelo vrijeme, iako, nije gutala moj kurac kao što su druge eskortice pokušavale učiniti. I maca joj nije bila obrijana. Volim sisati mace, ali one čiste i obrijane. Njena dlaka na maci također je smetala dok sam je ševio. Jako sam se razočarao.



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Getting together with Nihayd for a threesome is a night I’ll never forget. My girlfriend and I were hanging out and then told me just found that a friend of hers had became an escort, and that was a surprise to her. We checked out the site to find her bio, we also found Nihayd,’s and suddenly we were talking about how wild it would be to get one some time. After a few drinks at the local pub, my girlfriend was the one that maybe we could make it happen tonight.We were saving some money for a trip or something, but suddenly this seemed like a much more exciting idea and suddenly we drained our drinks and decided to go with it.It was easy to book and we were given a time, and we both headed back to our flat to clean it up because we were having a guest come over!When Nihayd arrived we were pleased to see that she was gorgeous , wearing a short skirt and a top that showed off her amazing body. We sat in the living room and chatted over drinks and talked a lot about how my girlfriend’s friend was also an escort (but Nihayd didn’t know her). Since a lot of the talk was sexy we were all getting excited, and soon we naturally just headed to the bedroom.When we got there she kind of took control of the situation. She said she wanted to just us for a bit and so my girlfriend and I started to go at it like she wasn’t there, but because we knew, it was really hot. As we finally started to get rid of our clothes, I finally turned to look over and Nihayd had hiked up her skirt and started to play with herself. My girlfriend was shocked, but then couldn’t look away, and I could tell that she was very turned on with everything that was happening. Nihayd finally got rid of her clothes and joined us, and it was one of the hottest things ever, because she was just as good at pleasing me as pleasing my girlfriend. And when the two of them went down on me, I thought it was going to finish then and there.A wild time, and I want to something like it again soon.

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Unbelievably sexy and gorgeous, loves wearing sexy outfits and giving pure sexual satisfaction. Hiring an escort is my last resort when I can't find a girl for a one night stand. It's been a very dry period for me so I started looking for an escort until I came across Nihayd's profile. Nihayd looks incredible in person, like in photos, and she's extremely seductive so it's not any surprise that I got an erection from the moment I saw her. She satisfied me completely and I booked another date with her.

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Had seen her ad on BP several times. Was is Las Cruces on business a couple of time and was intrigued with her pics. Back in town and finaly hooked up. I called and she gave me the addresss to her house. She said call when I was outside. I got there and called and she come out the front door. Was dressed similar to her pics. The pics are her but definetly as good as it will ever get. I'm a little disappointed in what I see at the door but still good to go. She is a little hearvier than the pic show but I'm ok with a heavy woman ever now and then. She takes me into the bed room and the longer I was there the more I wished I had saved my money. Will never go back. VIP found out why........l

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She also gave me one of the most intimate massages and one that was quite sensual and erotic. Nihayd is a great gal, treat her well because she deserves it. I had a great couple of nights with her, she delivers. She also gave me one of the most intimate massages and one that was quite sensual and erotic. That made me see her for more than couple of times over these few months.. Highly recommended.

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I spotted Nihayd ad on skip the games and sent her a text and we agreed to meet on a Thursday evening. Nihayd arrive on time and we greeted each other with a hug and a kiss

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Met Nihayd for the first time last month. I intend on making her a regular going forward. We had a great time.

Wanna cum? 💦 more private photos and vids in my profile...

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